This Is The Most Important Place To Use Foundation And You’re Probably Missing It

This Is The Most Important Place To Use Foundation And You're Probably Missing It

As we grow up, it becomes difficult to maintain the flawless skin we were born with. Fine lines, dark spots, acne, and sagging skin are some of the imperfections that come with age, environment, hormones, stress, and diet. Though it’s impossible to look like we have a filter on in real life, certain positive lifestyle changes like wearing sunscreen, quitting smoking, and being active can help improve skin quality. We can also use makeup to hide certain imperfections and highlight our features. When it comes to makeup, foundation is one of the first products that comes to mind for achieving airbrushed skin, although tinted moisturizers work great for a natural glow.

For different skin types, it’s more about the ‘finish’ of the foundation than the ‘type’ of foundation — I prefer using liquid foundations on all skin types because it can look most like real skin,” celebrity makeup artist Melissa Murdick told Byrdie. But you can always pick powder, stick, or cream foundation based on your liking. It does more than just give you even-looking skin; it also “boosts your confidence, which makes you feel good,” per Thread Curve. It also helps to choose a foundation based on your skin type. For example, if you have combination skin, select an “oil-free, matte” one that lasts all day, per The Cut. Most people are diligent about using foundation on their face and neck but tend to forget this part of their face — and really shouldn’t.

Don’t forget foundation on your eyelids

Makeup artist applying foundation on eyelid

Fancy Studio/Shutterstock

If you struggle with dark circles or puffiness, concealer is an essential tool to hide them and brighten the area under your eyes. Most people only use color-correcting products under their eyes and not above, even though dark circles include the entire eye. To even out any discoloration and brighten up your entire face, it’s also important to wear foundation on your eyelids. This will help your eye makeup last longer and make your entire eye area pop. Therefore, focusing only on your under-eyes is not enough, and you should include your eyelids to achieve a flawless and even look.

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Before applying foundation on your eyelids, ensure the area is “clean and moisturized” because the skin around the eyes is very thin, so you want to be careful applying any makeup product there (via Step by Step). Since the area around your eyes is delicate and sensitive, you want to be mindful about the type of foundation you’re using in the area to prevent more irritation. Cover FX global ambassador Derek Selby told Byrdie to choose one that won’t “clog pores and cause unnecessary redness.” While some recommend skipping foundation on your eyelids as it might cause your eye makeup to crease and run and prefer you choose a primer instead, per PopSugar.

Olena Aliamina
I am Olena Aliamina, a prefessional coach and makeup artist. I started my career in beauty industry back in 2016 as a makeup artist, and later on added professional hair design, lash extension and hair stylist skills to my portfolio. I hope you will like my articles and tips I share!