Secrets of Perfect Makeup by Gwen Stefani

Secrets of Perfect Makeup by Gwen Stefani

Gwen Stefani is one of modern beauty icons with very distinctive style and recognizable makeup that always looks perfect. There are some beauty secrets that Gwen shared with us, and we are gladly sharing them with you. So, what are the tips and tricks by this star makeup and what are things you may consider for yourself? How Gwen picks that perfect red lipstick that we associate with her on-stage looks? Let us consider these five tips that you should learn from this celebrity.

Red Lipstick

The cosmetic brand Revlon has nominated Gwen Stefani the Queen of Red Lips, and now she’s their global ambassador. She wears perfect red lipstick for almost every on-stage performance. Gwen says that there is no perfect red lipstick so far, and she never wears the same red lip color. She prefers to experiment and mix several lipstick colors in one, to gain that perfect color.

Secrets of Perfect Makeup by Gwen Stefani

Lighting and Highlighting

When Gwen came to the UK, she discovered, that her typical makeup she wears in LA did not work the right way. Looking through the photos she could not understand why it was so, as she used the same products and tools, and the makeup had to look the same, yet it did not. This was due to different type of sunlight in the other country. That is why it is very important to consider light to gain that stunning look. Though there is a golden rule of makeup that says: you can never have too much of highlighter. So, considering your next makeup, think of the lighting and highlighting form this aspect.

Secrets of Perfect Makeup by Gwen Stefani

Secret Weapon Makeup

Gwen Stefani does her makeup on her own when she plays live concerts. That is the secret of her confidence on the stage, a sort of secret weapon. She reveals her mood and expectations through her makeup, and sometimes it may even seem like she’s putting a sort of ‘war paint’ on her face. This live makeup created by her helps to build that single image for that particular concert. This way, she looks exactly the way she wants to.

See Also:  5 Common Makeup Mistakes That Celebs Make

Secrets of Perfect Makeup by Gwen Stefani

Perfect Foundation

When Gwen is on stage, she is very concerned about her foundation. She says, it is normal to sweat, because she is always emotional, and keep that emotional connection with the audience. So, there is no time to worry about the way the foundation holds on the skin. So it is important to prep the face according to the type of skin you’ve got, considering whether it is dry or oily, and then pick the proper tone of the sweat-proof foundation. This tip will be of help for anyone, who’s planning a makeup for some important event, ceremony or party.

Secrets of Perfect Makeup by Gwen Stefani

Brows Time

Gwen says, that doing her brows is the worst part of her makeup. And that is the only thing about her makeup that she doesn’t really like. This is the most time- and effort-consuming part of the makeup, yet is it extremely important to do the right way. For everyday makeup Gwen says she can just wear brows and lips, and that’s pretty much enough to look awesome. Whenever you think of the right way to do brows, make sure the product you use stays in place and does not move. Plus, brows have to be the same and at the same level.

Secrets of Perfect Makeup by Gwen Stefani

Olena Aliamina
I am Olena Aliamina, a prefessional coach and makeup artist. I started my career in beauty industry back in 2016 as a makeup artist, and later on added professional hair design, lash extension and hair stylist skills to my portfolio. I hope you will like my articles and tips I share!